


Pose Suggestion: Balasana ~ Child’s Pose

Today’s pose suggestion is Balasana or Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is often instructed in classes after a series of difficult postures. However, child’s pose is not necessarily an easy pose. A mindful approach to the pose and the addition of props can aid you to receive the full benefit of the pose. 

Some thoughts to consider: Before you fold forward, take your knees slightly wider than your hips. Tuck your toes under and place your fingers into your hip flexors to encourage them to release. Then slowly start folding forward, taking your hands to the mat as you descend. Keep your spine long in order to stretche the back and hip muscles.

Expanded breathing in the back, side body and belly releases tension. The position of folding inward softens your body and mind. The soft pressure on the third eye or middle of the forehead, signals to the body’s parasympathetic nervous system to relax. As you relax tune into your breathing.