


Pose Suggestion: Tadasana ~ Mountain Pose

The suggested pose today is Tadasana or Mountain Pose

Tadasana is often referred to as Mountain Pose. I call it my Grocery Store Stance, because when I stand in line, say at the grocery store, I remind myself that I can practice yoga anywhere!! 

Standing tall and strong not only brings your physical body into better alignment, it strengthens your mental acuity because you breath more fully and create better awareness with a lifted head, a broader opening in your upper body as you ground yourself more fully. 

Cues: Draw your shoulder blades down, your collar bones wide and engage your belly. Have your feet forward and press down through your toe mounds and center of your heel, as you lift from the inner and outer arches to engage your legs. The crown of your head reaches toward the sky as you feel how your spine is long allowing you to stand tall and breathe more fully.

Find this pose today as you go about your usual routine and as you stand strong, smile!