


Pose Suggestion: Vanarasana or Lunge Pose

Suggested pose for today is Vanarasana or Lunge Pose

This pose is an integral part of the sun salutations that are included in the Mother Sequence. While it may be seen as a transitional pose within the sun salutation, it is a powerful and therapeutic pose all on its own and can be performed in various ways.

It is a wonderful stretch for the psoas muscle of the back leg while it helps lengthen the adductor muscles of the front leg, better preparing you for a variety of standing poses. Hands can be on the floor or raised toward the ceiling to receive a greater side body opening. In both variations with the arms, be sure to keep your chest open and your neck lengthened. Your back knee can be on the floor or lifted, pressing the heel back.  

Try this pose with one foot forward and then the other. Modify by placing your hands on blocks with your shoulder joint stacking over your elbow joint which is over your wrist. The stacking of joints provides more stability and can avoid injury.  Hold for at least 12 breaths to each side.