


Day Three: 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

A 21-Day Yoga Challenge:
To Release,
Restore & Rebalance

Day Three:
Supta Garudasana
or reclining eagle pose

The POSE: Garudasana or Eagle Pose is traditionally practiced standing. Today, try this pose while in supine position. It changes the pose and some of the benefits and is often more accessible. 

HOW TO: Lie on the floor and deeply cross the left thigh over the right thigh. Allow for the right foot to remain on the floor or lift the knees over the hips. Cross your right arm over your left and reach the forearms away from your face. Direct your breath to your upper back and create space between neck and shoulders and between the shoulder blades. Offer your controlled breathing practice of inhale, pause your breath, exhale for several rounds before changing sides.

MODIFICATIONS: Place a yoga block or cushion under the foot on the floor to give support and receive a deeper stretch of the hip muscles. Take the hands to the shoulders rather than crossing the forearms. A stretch of the trapezius muscles is enjoyed and there is less strain around the shoulders.  

BENEFITS: This time of year often invites your shoulders to ride up toward your ears and tension in your upper back can be restricting and painful. This pose reminds you to pay attention to that upper back and an added benefit comes from giving the hips a nice stretch. 

Want to order? The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order!