


Day Four: 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

A 21-Day Yoga Challenge:
To Release,
Restore & Rebalance

Day Four:
Supported Chest Opening

THE POSE: Supported Chest Opening poses are taught in a variety of ways. I encourage you to explore this offering with various props to find the best modification to suit your body. Keep in mind, small adjustments can garner big rewards.
When you give yourself a little lift behind the heart, you not only reverse some of your inward shoulder rolling practices, you receive more energy and lift your mood. 

HOW TO:  Use a rolled blanket, blocks, a cushion or bolster and place on the floor so that when you recline, the prop will support your shoulder blades. If the prop is too low on the back it can dig into the lumbar spine. If too high, your low back may feel excessively arched. Like Goldilocks, there is the spot that is just right. Add a blanket, pillow or block under your head to give your neck proper support. 
Arms may go out to the side with palms facing up to accentuate the external rotation of the shoulders. 
Knees may be bent with feet on the floor and a bit wider than hip distance. Let the knees drop into one another. 
Offer your controlled breathing practice of inhale, pause your breath, exhale for several rounds and allow your breath to expand as your heart opens wide. 

MODIFICATIONS: When your chest is lifted, it is important that your head feel supported. Place a blanket or pillow or block under your head at a height that feels like the cervical spine is in line with the rest of the spine. Blankets under the arms is not only softer but will support your arms if they cannot reach the floor comfortably. 

Here are more specific photos to help you find the best fit. 




Want to order? The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order!