Thanks to yogini Mary Mac who shows you that sitting on enough height helps keep her alignment by allowing her hips to relax and her spine to be supported. Now she can relax & breathe!
21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance
Day Eight: 1:2 Breath Practice
A significant benefit of yoga poses is the attention given to our breath. Focused breathing, controlled breathing or mindful breathing are all terms you might have heard in a yoga class. Of course breathing mindfully in yoga is not the only place to practice. You can invite breathing practices into your everyday living. And, at this time of year, it may be the best way to navigate your everyday living.
Today’s focused breathing practice is called 1:2 breathing.
How To: Sit or lie comfortably. If seated, offer at least two folded blankets to provide proper support for your hips. You may have your back against a wall for better spinal alignment and an increased a sense of grounding. If you lie down, be supported by a blanket or pillow under your head to keep your cervical spine in proper alignment. A rolled blanket behind the knees or lower thighs is nice.
Begin with several rounds of soft inhale and exhale. Simply notice your breath today and do not judge it or yourself. If your mind wanders, it helps to focus on the action by labeling it while you do it. Repeat to yourself: “Inhale.” “Exhale.”
After several rounds easy breathing, inhale and as you do count to 3 or 4, pause your breath, and then exhale and as you do count of 6 or 8. The counts can be longer or shorter as is best for you, but the exhale remains twice as long as the inhale. Practice for 5 minutes.
The Benefits: In week one of our 21-day yoga challenge, you were reminded of the important tool you carry: your breath. Mindful breathing relaxes the body, calms the nervous system and can focus a busy mind. In addition, this practice of 1:2 breathing with the extended exhale, has been found to assist individuals who feel anxious or have trouble sleeping. If sleep evades you on some nights, try this practice while lying in bed.
Tips: There are some individuals who do not like the counting method in breathing. It can actually be anxiety inducing. If you are not receiving the calmness you expect, release the counting instruction and focus on lengthening your exhale. The pause between inhale and exhale offers a signal to the body to release and helps you breathe more deeply. Keep the pause soft and open the palms of your hands upward from lying or sitting to signal your receptive nature.