


Day 5! Pose a Day from the 21-Day Yoga Challenge

21-Day Yoga Challenge:

Pose a Day

Today’s Pose is:

Parsvakonasana or Side Angle Pose

This pose is a fantastic side body stretch, inner leg stretch and chest opener. When you focus your mind, you will get the most out of the complementary muscles. The front knee bends to stretch the inner thigh while the back leg engages strongly to anchor the pose. The shoulder blades draw down while the extended arm creates a long energetic stretch from fingertips to heel. 

Basics: Step feet wide, average is 4 feet apart. Turn front leg out 90 degrees and back leg in 30 to 40 degrees. Inhale and take arms to chest level, extending actively through upper arms to finger tips. Bend front knee and keep it tracking forward. Back leg is straight as the contracted quadricep draws toward hamstrings . Front arm can bend to take forearm to quadricep or hand can be supported on a block or taken to the floor. Top arm extends in line with front leg, above the ear. 

Cues: Engage legs actively and maintain engagement. Quadriceps of back leg contract toward hamstrings and glut muscles engage. Engage core by gently lifting and draw abdominal muscles up and back. Maintain an open chest by drawing shoulder blades down and rotate spine from thoracic or mid-spine, not at the pelvis. 

Benefits: Side angle pose can be a challenge to hold, but try for 12 breaths each side to help build muscle and strengthen bones. The side stretch aids in low back and hip tightness. The chest opening excentuates the spinal rotation for good vertebrae health. 

Modifications: The version shown is a modification of the full pose as the forearm comes to the thigh. However, there is no weight pressing on the forearm into the thigh. Your engaged core keeps you from sinking into the front leg. Another great modification is to use a folding chair for this pose. Front leg thigh is supported by the chair and the back leg extends to provide the long stretch and strengthening of this posture. If balance is a challenge today or if you want to focus on really stretching from the inner groin to the inner knee of the bent leg side, try the chair.

What’s your angle on side angle pose? Share your thoughts: leave a comment or post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.

Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order!