


Day 20! Pose a Day from the 21-Day Yoga Challenge

Today’s Pose is:

Prasarita Padottanasana ~ Wide-leg Forward Fold Pose

After the past two days of balancing poses, it is good to find symmetry in this delightful version of wide-leg forward fold. In versions one and two of the traditional pose, the arms are directly underneath the shoulders and then the hands go back between the legs as the elbows bend and the head comes to the floor.

Work today with a version that keeps the arms reaching out, similar to a wide-leg downward facing dog. 

Cues: A common misalignment is to roll inward on the feet. Press to the outer arches of the feet as you continue to lift the outer and inner arches. Reach down through the toe mounds and center of heel. Balance your weight in the center, not leaning too far back in the hips or too far forward in the arms. Engage your abdominal muscles and lift the ribs off the pelvis. 

Benefits: This pose is a great stretch for the back, arms and groin as you gain strength in the legs, gluts and abdominal muscles. As a forward fold, you will benefit from the turn inward as it calms the mind and can help you refocus, especially if you do this pose after other standing poses or to release from a stressful part of your day.

Modifications:  If placing your head below your heart is not advised or if tight hamstrings or hips prevent you from a comfortable forward fold, take your hands to blocks or a chair seat. It is also acceptable to bend your knees slightly in this pose, but still be active in your feet as you continue to contract the abdominal muscles and keep the back long. A rounded back can compromise the benefits and can be ill-advised for people with osteoporosis. 

Is this a pose you like? Is it liking you? Share a photo or ask a question. Send it under the comments section. Post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.

Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order!