


Day 19! Pose a Day from the 21-Day Yoga Challenge

Pose of the day:

Virabhadrasana III or Warrior 3

All the Warrior poses create great strength throughout the body and modifications make even this balance-challenge warrior accessible. 

Cues: Maintain strength in your standing leg. Engage the muscles of the other leg as you lift it straight back. The lifted leg foot is flexed as toes point toward the floor. A common misalignment is to lift the leg too high and externally rotate hip. Keep hip points on the same plane, drawing the lifted leg to internal rotation. Engage the gluts to provide power and strength. Contract the abdominal muscles and lengthen the side body as you lift ribs off the pelvis.  In the traditional pose, the arms contract to keep elbows straight as they extend forward. However, hands may come to the hips for more stability or if balance is challenging today, take your hands to blocks, the wall or to a chair.

In balancing poses, you may have the tendency to grip the toes. This compromises the alignment and makes balancing more challenging. And, as Mr. Iyengar imparted: Gripped toes are a sign of a gripped mind. So lengthen the toes. Feel the strength in the tadasana leg and lift off of that strength. 

Benefits: Another balance working pose which tones the leg muscles while strengthening abdominal and back muscles. Contract the gluts to work these muscles and help with balance. Keep the chest open to reap the benefits of full breath. 

Modifications: Many people use props to help with the balance aspect of this pose. Play with the modification that is right for you. As said, blocks, a wall or a chair is helpful. Another approach is to lift the leg and press the foot into a wall. Hands may still come to a prop. The wall gives a reciprocal response as the foot presses into the wall, the leg draws energy up creating length and stability. 

Added challenge: If you worked on balance yesterday with your tree pose, try moving from tree to warrior 3 today for an added, yet beautiful transitional pose work. 

How do you do your Warrior 3? Please tell us. Share a photo or ask a question. Send it under the comments section. Post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.

Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order!