


Day 14! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance


21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day Fourteen: Forward Lying Savasana  

This forward lying savasana pose has great benefit and is approachable for most everyone. The addition of a wrap around the body, provides extra snugness and cradles you comfortably. An eye pillow or blanket for the forehead provides room for the nose and small pressure to relax the nervous system.

How To:

Fold a blanket into a thin, long ribbon so you have enough of a tail on your blanket to wrap around you. Lie on your blanket just below the belly button and have a friend draw each end of the blanket into an X. The friend gives a little extra pull to increase the snugness and envelop you for a cozy feeling. Place your forehead on the eye pillow or blanket with enough room for you to breath comfortably.

Practice your 1:2 breath practice and imagine your breath bathing the entire back side of your body. (Take a breath in for 3 to 4 counts, pause your breath. Exhale your breath for a count of 6 to 8, allowing your exhale to be twice as long as your inhale.) 


Yes, this pose works best if a friend places your blanket in the right spot. But if you are practicing alone, you can draw the blanket ends behind you and give a little pull on either end. If your head is not comfortable with your forehead on the eye pillow or blanket, turn your head to one side and rest and then turn to the other side. 


Savasana has many benefits and at this time of year, I recommend fitting into your daily routine. Just 5 to 10 minutes can truly revive your energy as it allows your muscles to relax and tension to be released. Forward lying has the additional benefit to help you draw inward and the pressure at the forehead sends the message to the nervous system to relax. 

🎁 Need a gift for someone your care about? How about The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health 

It makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order!