


Day 11! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Mountain Brook Pose let’s you release and flow calmly through the holiday season

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 11: Mountain Brook Pose

The Pose: Mountain brook pose is a supported supine position that welcomes you to fully restore as you release tension and rebalance both the body and the mind. 

How To: The pose does require a few props: a bolster or two folded blankets for behind the knees; a folder blanket to support the shoulder blades; a blanket or towel for the head. Use an eye pillow for added comfort.
Lie down on your mat with your knees draped over the bolster or blankets and your shoulder blades supported by a double folded or tri-folded blanket. Your head is supported by the last blanket or towel which is folded to give support to the cervical spine and keep it in alignment with the rest of the spine. Your arms should lengthen comfortable in a T position between the blankets for your shoulder blades and head. Turn your palms upward. 

As in other restorative poses we’ve described, props may need to be adjusted in order for you to experience true comfort. 

Tips: A common error I see in this pose is the blanket too high or too low on the back. Both shoulder blades should be on the blanket as the top of your shoulders roll down toward your mat. Too low and it will impinge the low back. Too high and you do not receive the benefit of opening the chest. 
If you have shorter legs, a bolster may cause your heels not to reach the floor. Place another blanket under the heels so they do not dangle. 

Use your 1:2 breathing practice: Inhale to a count of 3 or 4, pause your breath, exhale to a count of 6 or 8. For a few rounds, then release into this pose for a minimum of 5 minutes.

The Benefits: This pose is very restful and can return energy to the body by opening the chest more fully. With the shoulders in external rotation, you counteract the everyday posture most of us experience as we work our devices, drive, or sit at our desks. 

Want to order? The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order!