


Welcome Winter, Welcome Light

Today is the winter solstice, usually noted as the shortest day of the year. However, the earth conducts its rotation regardless of imprints on our calendars and often the 21st of December and the shortest day of the year do not coincide. Not unlike how you and I might be off a bit in our rotation, especially at this time of year. But one thing remains certain — the days begin to lengthen, the light lingers longer and we continue to have the capacity to shine. 

December 21st holds a special place in my heart and memory, but not just for one reason. In 2006, my sweet mom who came into this world in the spring, took her last breath at the winter solstice. In 2015, I was living in Alaska and the short days were magical, honoring the small amounts of light we received each day and appreciating the opportunity to be a bit more still, a little quiet and genuinely reflective. Since 2010, my dear friends and fellow yogis in Greensboro hold a yoga practice on this day (one that many attended this morning). They gather with candles and offer 108 sun salutations to honor the changing season and welcome the increase of light-filled days. 

The winter solstice falls at the holidays which can hold melancholy as we remember those who have passed away and transitioned from this life. Each year, I make certain to light a candle to honor the changing of the season and to remind myself of all those who graciously crossed my path in this life. And, I remember I have a choice to be that light to others. We all have that choice to be a light. 

Welcome winter. Welcome the longer days. Welcome the light within you and let it shine. ☀️


  1. Brian Rowe says:

    Ann I love your Winter solstice blog entry about the light, Alaska and your late Mother.
    Beautifully written. I think I’ll read an excerpt of what you’ve written today at a memorial service for a friend who passed earlier this month. Hope you don’t mind!

  2. Tfc says:

    Thanks, Annie.

    Hope eternal.

  3. Karmin Greene says:

    That was beautiful. Thanks for reminding me to come back to the simple and important pieces of life. It all goes together and how easily it can be forgotten about. I always appreciate your dedication to us, trying to keep our mind and bodies healthy. May the New Year treat you well!

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