Just as some of us were anticipating, the slow thaw of winter caused us to jump right through to summer. But alas, take heart…the spring is here. It is evident at every turn. The emerging leaves on the dogwoods are all dotted with with their colorful blooms, the lilacs are bursting, and the Forsythias can …
Category Archive: Uncategorized
Accessorizing Starts with A, B, C…
I have many friends who find life’s delicious gifts in the accessories they can collect. There is the friend who admitted that going back to work full time was due in part for her love of shoes, there is another friend who claims an affinity for satchels, and then there is me who finds all …
Setting things Straight by Leaving Them Askew
The other day I indulged and had my house cleaned—by professionals. It is something many of my friends do but many of my friends have kids, pets, or at least one other person around to help create a mess. So it felt rather indulgent for this single, rather orderly person. They cleaned very well…a completely …
It is Transition Time, Shhh…Quiet
There seems to be no better time than right now to listen to the birds and enjoy the warmer winds that are finally coming our way. Spring has come and with it the buds on the trees, the lilac blooms, the bright yellow bellies of the Golden Finches and the stunning red of Cardinals. There …
Can You Taste?
A friend warned that writing something everyday in the same vein may lead to repetition. I soured my face as though I had just sucked on a lemon and agreed. Oh, no…what if I do that? What if I repeat myself—tie the same idea to different words? What if I am on a the gerbil …
Bread and Butter and Civility
There are many basics in life that we cannot live without—food, water, sleep. All critical to keep functioning. But not listed is another staple of importance. Civility.
Contentment is Not a License for Complacency.
We have heard it many times…be happy with what you have. That statement is true when what we have includes some measure of comfort, security, and joy. Take any of those away and we can struggle to find the happiness that life affords. But curiously even when we have it, we can still be anxious …
More than One Dimensional
This week controversy arose over The New York Times obituary of Yvonne Brill, a rocket scientist, whose write up started with “She made a mean beef stroganoff.” For all her accomplishments many feel this was downplaying her real work as a rocket scientist and pandering to the fact that she was a woman, a wife, …
Grasp Do Not Grab…
I was told in teacher training to instruct students to reach or to pick up—not to grab. Grab left the residue of fiercely taking hold of something, adding a force that is unnecessary even if unintended. This thought has stayed with me, although, I am sure I am guilty of using grab sometimes…as in ‘grab …