Category Archive: Uncategorized


The Compassionate Critic

I am at school…learning how to be a writer, or to be more precise, I am putting my writing out there and letting others split it wide open. A bloodletting might be less painful. Actually, I am—shockingly—being over dramatic. It is a very good and supportive place to be and to learn. But exposing myself …

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Definition of Choice

[post from May 21, 2013…that didn’t get to website] I went out for a run yesterday morning. It was my first real attempt at a run in two months. On St. Patty’s Day, I pulled a hamstring during a long run. Every attempt to go back to the pavement has been thwarted so I pulled …

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Dare for a Little Frivolity

Some of us might remember the game Truth or Dare when we were kids. I won’t speak for anyone else, but the Truths part were usually pretty lame and the Dares were pretty innocuous. Yet, they made us get out of our comfort zone, made us consider something else.


Destinations All Along the Journey

There is a beautiful quote I often hear or see printed—Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So much punch for a few words. As I considered this, I began to twist the words around, offering up—there are many happy destinations upon our journeys.


Yielding at the Market

On Saturdays I go to the Farmers Market. I go for the produce—to see what is in, to enjoy the surprise of a new variety of greens or pick up my staple sweet potato. I go to my reliable vendors who I know will be there offering their specialties. Nora will have her famed empanadas …

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To Do is To Dawdle

Something drew me to the word dawdle today. Perhaps it is because that what I feel I am doing a lot of currently. I have plenty on my plate, as do most of you, and yet I still find time to dawdle. I think I also swept the word up because I like the way …

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To Focus is not to Force

I had a friend ask, rhetorically, “Every notice that things don’t quite work out when you try to force a solution?” I agreed. But somehow the agreement of the this and the action become separated when I’m in the throws of some difficult situations. I, and perhaps some others, dismiss this idea when we are …

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There is No Just

When I was looking for a ‘real’ job after college, I worked as an intern at the local hospital—not in the medical area, but rather in the PR department. I wrote press releases, interviewed people for the newsletter, and helped put on events. I remember this job as one of the best experiences I have …

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Time to T-H-I-N-K

A friend had a good mantra going for the new year. She used the word Think as an acronym to remind herself to be more mindful when she spoke. She would do a quick assessment, asking herself: Is what I am going to say, Thoughtful, Helpful, Intelligent, Necessary, Kind? It brings a good light to …

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I’m stealing this word from a friend who heard it from another friend…so if you are out there other friend, thanks! It’s no secret that we think multitasking is not just necessary to getting things done in life, it is just a part of how life is done. How often do you talk to a …

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