Category Archive: Uncategorized


Diversions Ahead: Inside and Out

The English provide me with new words for familiar directives. One of my favorites was diversion. Diversion is used where we in the States might normally use detour. Is it because I am a little too used to detour that I resonate better with diversion? Is it because it sounds slightly more sophisticated? Or is …

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Looking Out the Window

Right outside my window is the most amazing view. The Eiffel Tower, you think. No. Some grand landscape. No. It is a building. Yes, it is a rather old building. But really there is nothing architecturally marvelous about it. Well, I take that back. If it were outside my window back home, I’m sure I’d …

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To Lock and Unlock

Most of my friends at home has a key to my house. If they don’t, they know where a key is kept or they know of someone who has one. I do not know why I so liberally give the key to my house. Perhaps I am anxious about locking myself out or maybe it …

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Volley With Breath

Last weekend as this Anglophile watched the Wimbledon finals, I couldn’t help but be mesmerized as the ball went back and forth, back and forth until talent or miscalculation broke the rhythm. The players stamina and force was impressive; their relenting almost unperceived. We, like the star athletes of the court, volley as well.


Our Choice is our Independence

Independence is an obvious word choice for the day that we celebrate the Fourth of July in the U.S. Yet the word does not just embody the idea of being free from oppressive governments. We are also free to make choices about how we live and what we accept in our lives. Sometimes we take …

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Park It.

Through the park, Bittermen, you I love the park. Dudley Moore as Arthur. One could come up with far better quotes to conjure up an appreciation for the landscapes of cities and towns that we know of as our parks, but this quote has stayed with me through the years for its simple delight. Simple …

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The Universal Language: Laughter

Surely we have all, at least once in our life, been in a room where everyone was speaking a language different from our own. You do not have to travel to a foreign country for this to happen.


Release and Reset

July 1st is the second half of the year. Yes, it means half the year is over, but it also means a full half a year is ahead of us. Perhaps you were like many folks who set New Year’s resolutions and somewhere between the cold, grey winter and the budding of spring those resolutions …

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Forty six Gratitudes

On my birthday for the last few years, I swam the number of laps as is my birthday and run some combo that represented my birthday number. Today, I will do 46 sun salutations, and each will be marked by the list of 46 gratitudes that I have come up with. It’s not a complete …

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Feet Off the Trail But Still Feeling the Path

It felt more than a little strange to leave my pack in one place for a few days, even more strange to trade in the dirt path for the urban streets, cows for crowds, and small tea shops for coffee shops & eateries on every corner. I had not planned to leave the path when …

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