
Day 18! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

In front, Dee shows a variation on uttanasana from sitting on the chair while Jeri, in the background, offers his forward fold over the chair edge.


Day 18: Supported Uttanansana ~ Supported Standing Forward Fold with a Chair

The Pose:
Uttanasana or forward fold is traditionally practiced from tadasana or mountain pose. From this aligned position the core is engaged, shoulder blades draw down the back and your collar bones broaden. As you begin to hinge at the hips to take yourself forward, the hip flexors draw deeper into the body. The palms come to the floor as the legs remain straight. For many this is a comfortable releasing pose. For others of us whose arms are far from the floor because our hamstrings are tight, this pose can be far from comfortable. To make it a welcoming pose, try it with a folded chair.  Continue reading “Day 18! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 17! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 17: Seated Marjariasana and Bitilasana ~ Seated Cat and Cow


Cat and Cow (Click to see the video and thank you Jeri Rowe for being our model today!)

The Pose: Cat and Cow pose flexes and extends the spine — another vital movement for the health of the spine. As a restorative offering, this pose done seated makes it accessible anytime during the day – including when you travel – and helps you release tension as you restore balance to your body. Continue reading “Day 17! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 16! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Thanks to Bryan YMCA yogis for showing how to twist from the chair

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 16: Seated Twist from a Chair


The Pose: One of the important practices in yoga is the attention paid to the movement of the spine. Through flexion, extension, side-body openings and rotation of the spine you access all the movements and all the benefits. 
Yesterday, in downward facing dog pose you lengthened your spine and received a nice side-body opening. Today, you will take a seat and use your chair to provide deep rotation of the spine. Pay particular attention to your breath in this practice by taking three breaths to go into the twist and three breaths to come out of the twist. 
How To: Take a seat in your chair (a folding chair works best for accessible placement of your hands) Turn to sit with your right hip parallel to the back side of the chair. Your thighs are parallel to one another and your feet are firmly on the floor. It is important to begin with a tall spine; your shoulder blades draw down and your chest is broad. 
Inhale to lengthen the spine and use the exhale to turn from the lower lumbar and gently place your hands on either side of the chair back. Inhale and feel another lengthening of the spine, as you exhale turn gently from the mid-back or mid-thoracic spine. Once more, inhale and with the exhale rotate the upper thoracic spine into the twist. 

Pause in the pose for one more breath and then begin your three-part breath retreat out of the pose. 

Inhale to feel length in your spine, exhale to release the upper thoracic. Inhale and with your exhale release the middle back or mid-thoracic spine. Inhale and with your exhale release your lower back and remove your hands from the back of the chair.

Repeat to the left side. 
Tips: The attention to move in and out of the twist in three breath cycles provides an opportunity quiet the mind and focus on the movements of the spine. Rather than release all at once from the twist, the focus on recoiling in the spine in three stages slows the pose down as you release toxins.

Be mindful not to let your head turn first in the twist. Allow for your cervical spine to follow the slow rotation of the rest of your spine.
Benefits: Twists are extremely beneficial to the health of the spine as the rotation allows for fluid to move around the vertebra. The movement provides a wringing out of the organs to release toxins and help the digestive track. This is particularly useful at a time of year when we tend to indulge a bit more. 


🎁 Need a gift for someone your care about? How about The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health 

It makes a great holiday gift for the ones you care about. Click to order! 


Day 15! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Thank you to the Bryan YMCA yogis who show varying prop usage for this rebalancing pose.

one or two blocks are used so your forehead can rest. your stance may vary but still feel length in your spine.

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 15: Supported Adho Mukha Svanasana ~ Downward Facing Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog is a staple in many yoga classes. In sun salutations, it is the basis from which the other postures flow into and from. It is a pose to help your body and mind rebalance as well. With the use of a chair, the pose becomes more accessible and restorative. Even if you practice Adho Mukha Svanasana in the more traditional approach, I encourage to try the modification of a chair with a block for the forehead and notice.  Continue reading “Day 15! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 14! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance


21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day Fourteen: Forward Lying Savasana  

This forward lying savasana pose has great benefit and is approachable for most everyone. The addition of a wrap around the body, provides extra snugness and cradles you comfortably. An eye pillow or blanket for the forehead provides room for the nose and small pressure to relax the nervous system. Continue reading “Day 14! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 13! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Supta Parsva Pavanamuktasana – Supine Double Knee Twist

The Pose: Supta Parsva Pavanamuktasana is offered as a reclining twist and should be approached with softness. Do not grip the belly and add support for your knees to come to if you feel any strain.

How To: From a supine position, gently engage your core to draw your knees over hips (for softer pose, leave your feet on the floor)  Reach your arms out at chest level with the palms facing upward. Inhale and then exhale to guide your knees to the right. Take several breaths on your right side and allow your belly to draw to the left. Inhale and with an exhale draw the knees back to center. Inhale and with your exhale, guide the knees to the left. Take several breaths on your left side and allow your belly to draw to the right.   Continue reading “Day 13! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 12! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day Twelve: Supta Badha Konasana ~ Reclining Bound Angle Pose


The Pose:

 Supta Badha Konasana is a simple pose and simply wonderful. With support at the thighs, the hips can open without strain and you can relax and release.

How To: 

Place a blanket over your mat for extra warmth, use another blanket to support your head so your neck does not strain. Use a blanket or cushion under each thigh to support knees, groins and hips.
As you lie back, take the bottoms of your feet together and draw a blanket or cushion under each thigh. Adjust the blanket for the head. 
Lie with your palms open, shoulder blades drawn down your back and your collar bones broad. Use your 1:2 breath practice: take a breath in for 3 to 4 counts, pause your breath, exhale your breath for 6 to 8 counts (exhale twice as long as inhale)

Continue reading “Day 12! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 11! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Mountain Brook Pose let’s you release and flow calmly through the holiday season

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day 11: Mountain Brook Pose

The Pose: Mountain brook pose is a supported supine position that welcomes you to fully restore as you release tension and rebalance both the body and the mind.  Continue reading “Day 11! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance” »


Day 10! 21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day Ten: Zen Breath Practice

ZenBreathPractice (Click to see the video)

Today’s offering was introduced to me by my dear friend and teacher, Alice. I think of her wisdom and graciousness each time I practice it. The benefits received in this soft practice help quiet your mind and invite you to release that which no longer serves you. 

How To: Click on ZenBreathPractice link above to see a video. Begin in tadasana or mountain pose with your feet hip distance apart and your knees soft. Inhale and sweep arms up, exhale draw the hands to namaste at the heart. Inhale and with your exhale bend the knees a bit deeper and allow the arms to lengthen forward with the palms up in a manner that suggests letting go. Repeat with an inhale as you sweep your arms up to gather the good the universe has to offer. Exhale the palms together to the heart center. Inhale to receive the gift of breath and calm. Exhale and bend your knees as your arms lengthen forward and your open palms release that which no longer serves you. 
Repeat the sequence for seven rounds. Find a soft gaze point or close your eyes. After you are finished, pause in tadasana with hands at your heart center and take several soft breaths. 

The Benefits: If you have spent a lot of time running around this season, this sequence can bring you back to center as you take in your calming breath and let go that which you do not need. 

Tips: This sequence can be offered on your mat, on a chair, or even outside with the cool December air. It’s a wonderful way to be very present in your entire body. 


Day 9! 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Release, Restore & Rebalance

21-Day Yoga Challenge to Release, Restore & Rebalance

Day Nine: Virasana ~ Hero’s Pose

The Pose: Virasana or Hero’s Pose is often my go to when I begin my practice or I come to sit for meditation. The pose is recommended to help the digestive track which can be needed at this time of year when food appears in abundance. Tight quadriceps or deeply flexing the knee may keep you from the traditional pose, but often props make it achievable and the benefits can still be received. Continue reading “Day 9! 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Release, Restore & Rebalance” »

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