Today’s pose is
Balasana ~ Child’s pose
Balasana may seem likes child’s play — an easy pose. Yes, it can be and should be, but it is a powerful pose! In today’s offering, try following cues to create a deeper and more mindful approach to the pose.
Cues: Go in from table top with belly engaged and spine long, not rounded. Keep the arms active with elbows straight and fingers spread wide. Press hands into the mat and keep your arms lifted. Draw your shoulder blades down, taking tops of shoulders away from your ears.
For an additional stretch walk the hands to right and then the left, breathing into your side body. Have your forehead come to rest on something. It could be the mat, but if your neck needs support, place a block, blanket or an eye pillow for your forehead. After several breaths with out-stretched arms, release and allow the arms to be soft.
Benefits: Balasana is often offered in class after strenuous poses. It can be a restful place but more than that, it calms the nervous system and relaxes heart rate by turning your focus inward. When you apply a bit of pressure to the center of your forehead, the place to access the vagus nerve, it can direct calming to the parasympathetic nervous system.
Modifications: While child’s pose may sound easy, it definitely is not easy for everyone. If deep flection of the knees is painful, roll a blanket and place between back of thighs and calves. If the head cannot reach the floor, bring the floor to you with a blanket or block. Take the knees wide with the toes together to create more space for the belly and ease on the hips.
Discover anything new when you played with your child’s pose today? Please tell us. Share a photo or ask a question. Send it under the comments section. Post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.
Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order!