


Day 4: Pose a Day from The 21-Day Yoga Challenge

21-Day Yoga Challenge:

Pose a Day

Today’s Pose is:

Utthita Trikonasana or Extended Triangle Pose

This  pose is a favorite in many yoga classes as it challenges and benefits the body well. It is a great weekday pose to revitalize the body, strengthen muscles and stretch many difficult to pinpoint areas on the body. As with the other poses we have so far explored, it comes with suggested modifications. 

The Pose Basics:  Step feet 3 to 4 feet apart. Turn right leg out 90 degrees, turn the left leg in slightly. Inhale to lift arms chest level, keep legs strong by contracting quadriceps, lengthen the torso to the right as you draw your hips to the left. Right hand comes to your thigh, shin, or prop. Repeat with the left leg turned out to 90 degrees and right foot turned in slightly. Hold each side for at least 12 breaths. 

The Cues: As you reach in the direction of the front leg, keep your side body elongated, even as you draw the hand toward the floor or prop. Keep shoulder blades drawing down to keep collar bones broad. Press feet away from one another to energize the legs. Keep rotation of upper body focused on the ribs and chest opening, not from the hips or pelvis. 

The Benefits: Triangle pose strengthens leg muscles which aids to build bone density. It rotates the spine, a key to maintain a healthy spine and stretches the quadratus lumborum (often referred to as the QL) which is difficult to access but when it is, it helps relieve tight hips. 

Modifications: There are several  common misalignments practitioners fall into on this pose. Let’s focus on a few: 1. if your hips are not in the same plane, don’t force the pelvis into an uncomfortable or even dangerous position. Instead, change your stance, so the back foot is slightly to the side or closer to the long edge of the mat. 2. There are no bells or whistles that go off if you get your hand to the floor. A better pose is one that does not fold into itself, so keep the earth-side of your side body lengthened by placing your hand higher up — on a block or on the thigh. 3. The raised arm and turned head toward ceiling should be the last components and only options. Upper hand to hip helps accentuate the chest opening and often nicer for the shoulder. 

How do you do your Triangle? Share your thoughts: leave a comment or post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.

Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order!