


21-Day Yoga Challenge: Pose a day for June 2nd

21-Day Yoga Challenge:

Pose a Day

Today’s Pose is:

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward- Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog is a staple in many yoga classes. In sun salutations, it is the basis from which the other postures flow into and from. It is a therapeutic pose and can be modified in a myriad of ways so that anyone can access it.

Modifications are intended to help individuals with limitations and help you explore a pose on a deeper level. Even if you practice Adho Mukha Svanasana in the more traditional approach, I encourage to try a modification and notice. 

The Cues: Place palms flat on the mat with the fingers spread, press into finger mounds and extend through tips. Draw chest away from mat and engage core  before lifting knees. Knees lift, quadriceps contract and draw toward hamstrings. Play with bending the knees, contract the quadriceps and then straighten the legs. This helps deepen the flection in your hips and elongate your spine. 

The Benefits: Downward-Facing Dog is an inversion because the head is below the heart. As such, it provides invigorating energy to the brain. With the back long, it is a stretch that lengthens the spine while stretching the hamstrings. A modification with bent elbows and forearms on the mat can strengthen the shoulder cuff region. 

Watch out for: sinking or collapsing in the shoulders which over time will be detrimental to your shoulder health. Engage the core, draw shoulder blades down and broad to avoid this common trouble. 

The Modifications: There are many modifications to offer and here are two. Practice with palms on a chair and step both feet back for pose. Advantage for the wrist because less weight is on them and turning out the palms is helpful. If having the head below the heart is not advisable for you, you can keep the head lifted and thus above the heart in this version. Second, practice with a rolled blanket or towel under your heels. Tight hamstrings may prevent your heels from reaching the floor. Do not force as the hamstrings should not be pulled. the blanket or towel is a nice way to ground the heels and this helps to lengthen the spine more fully. 

Try it? Like it? What did you discover about your dog? Be sure to post a comment or share on FaceBook: Think Yoga or Instagram at @21dayyogachallenge.