


Day 15! Pose a Day from the 21-Day Yoga Challenge

Today’s Pose is Urdhva Prasarita Padasana ~ Double Leg Lifts

Another core building pose! Focus on form and quality and not the number of double leg lifts you may do. The pose strengthens the lower abdominal muscles and the obliques. Please bend your knees if the straight leg version is not appropriate for your back. 

Cues: Lie flat on the floor in a supine mountain pose. Your feet are flexed as you press out through the toe mounds and heel.  Your legs are engaged with hip points drawing toward navel. The belly is gently contracted. The arms are straight and reach long towards the end of your mat. Draw collar bones wide as shoulder blades move down and into the body. Inhale in this strong position and with an exhale take your chin toward the chest as you simultaneously raise both leg to the vertical. Inhale and with control, lower the legs to the earth. Repeat to a number that allows you to maintain control of the alignment and a steadiness of the breath. 

Benefits: The core benefit is the core! However, with attention paid to internal rotation of the hips and activating the gluts and hamstrings, the pose is a great lower body strengthener. Note the modifications to be wise about your approach to the pose. 

Modifications: Low back pain is an indicator that you need to modify this pose. Please bend the knees, take feet the mat and then draw the legs up to the vertical. When returning to floor, bend the knees and take your feet to the floor. A blanket to lie on for extra padding is good. To avoid neck strain, keep the head on the floor and focus just on the breath and leg movement. 

 Are you feeling stronger at your core? Please tell us. Share a photo or ask a question. Send it under the comments section. Post to FaceBook @thinkyoga or on Instagram @21dayyogachallenge.

Order The 21-Day Yoga Challenge: Inspiration for a Lifetime of Good Health by Ann Fitzmaurice and illustrated by Altina Layman. Click to order!